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Peripheral Joint motion
Muscle Energy technique to remove muscle holding pattern
Myofascial unwinding to resolve fascial restriction of movement
TMJ jaw pain therapy
Nerve compression release
Circulatory artery/vein compression treatment
Lymphatic compression and edema reduction
Trigger Point Spasm Therapy
Strain/Counter Strain technique for pain
Cranial Sacral Therapy

symptoms treated
Shoulder rotator cuff pain and reduced motion
Back pain and tension
Migraine/Tension Headache/cranial spasm pain referral. 
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Wrist, forearm pain, clicking or reduced motion
Arthritis pain, stiffness, reduced motion and locking of joint
Lower leg, ankle and foot structural and soft tissue pain and immobility 
Tennis and golfer's elbow resolution 
Tendonitis and Bursitis relief

Stress and resulting auto-regulatory imbalances affecting digestion, sleep cycles, food transit, water retention, increased inflammation, weight gain, or anxiety.

Relaxation Massage
Swedish Massage
Pregnancy and Infant Massage

session Types and rates
Pure Relaxation Massage 30 minutes  $70
Pure Relaxation Massage 60 minutes  $120
Treatment and Massage Hybrid 30 minutes  $70
Treatment and Massage Hybrid 60 minutes  $120

     Please indicate to us in the 'Appointment Note' box, provided in the online booking app, if and where you feel pain when selecting either a Pure Relaxation or a Hybrid Massage option.     
     In some cases the increase in circulation or sensory stimulation produced on a pain region can aggravate inflammation or increase the pain there. The great news is that rest of the body will continue to enjoy and benefit from relaxation massage.   
What generally causes muscle pain?
     Your assessment would be highly specific. In general, muscle spasms (knots) may be placed by your nervous system around regions of dysfunction in order to bolster and protect those regions. Spasms can either remain silent or occasionally become triggered and elicit strong pain. Silent spasms will continue to shorten muscle which will decrease range of motion and place increased strain on tendons and joints. Spasms may become triggered by stress, overuse of a region with underlying dysfunction, or toxicity in the blood. A naturopathic doctor and your family doctor can assess whether this is a cause of triggering your spasms. However, the spasms and their causes would require removal and lengthening muscle fibers that would become pursed up and shortened during their very prolonged stay in shortened positions inside the knot. For this reason, treatment here at CityRMT includes myofascial unwinding. Otherwise, it would leave the fibers short and restrict their circulation, uptake of nutrients, and removal of metabolic wastes. The reduction of local circulation and/or accumulation of toxins is a very common cause of strong reoccurring pain. The treatment of pain must be simple, direct and comprehensive. It is then much clearer what other issues may be contributing to the pain of a local region. This is a whole body approach to care. 
     The activation of a spasm can alert us to the underlying dysfunction in an area. Alternatively, a pain signal sent by your nervous system can directly alert you of underlying biomechanical dysfunction, artery compression, or nerve compression in an area. The causes may be postural alignment or injury to soft tissues such as tendons and bursae.   
Alternatively, a muscle may become overused and become inflamed when it is required to simultaneously protect a region and perform actions during your daily activities. In many cases, specific muscles or regions are having to overcompensate for postural imbalances while also helping us perform our daily tasks. Correcting functional issues rather than shutting out a pain signal is the priority of responsible manual therapy. These are some of the causes of a recurring chronic pain that may always be felt in a specific area and especially during specific movement.
     A doctor's referral will be provided if the pain does not present signs of being bio-mechanical (joint, tendon, muscle function related) in origin. A few moments of assessment by your therapist can be tremendously helpful.      

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