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Alper Sungur, RMT 


Massage Therapist registered with the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario. 13 Years in Practice. 5 years manual osteopathy training.
Massage therapy practice is the assessment of specific joints and soft tissues of the body. The clinical aim of my practice is to prevent progression of physical dysfunction or pain in body soft tissues and joints, maintain tissue health, and augment physical function of individuals.

I treat pain and reduced joint function using evidence based manual therapy. In order to provide ongoing relief, I demonstrate relevant remedial exercise/s and assist clients in order to ensure safety and effectiveness of exercises that are specific for each individual. 
I am trained to identify specific contraindications to treatment and potential red flags which may require medical assessment. I provide referrals to family Doctors, Chiropractors, Osteopathic Manual Practitioners, Holistic Nutritionists, and Acupuncturists to ensure you receive comprehensive care at every milestone of your journey.

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